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Outrigger Mauritius Beach Resort celebrates first anniversary with ‘Better than Ever’ party


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MAURITIUS – The Outrigger Mauritius Beach Resort celebrated its first anniversary party with over 100 guests at an exotic culturally diverse party at the resort on April 17.  Outrigger General Manager Pieter van der Hoeven welcomed many local guests and business partners, including the U.S. Ambassador to Mauritius, Ms. Shari Villarosa.

Since opening a year ago, the Outrigger in Mauritius has become a firm favorite with holidaymakers from around the world.

For further information email Sandra Mussard, marketing and communication executive: marcom.mauritius@outrigger-mu.com or visit OutriggerMauritius.com.


Editors may download images of the Outrigger Mauritius Beach Resort, its management and destination Mauritius here.