Outrigger goes the extra mile to support the 2016 Visitor Industry Charity Walk
HONOLULU, HAWAII – On Saturday, May 21, 2016, at 7 a.m. Outrigger Enterprises Group ohana, family and friends will lace up their running shoes to raise funds and awareness for local nonprofits during the 38th annual Visitor Industry Charity Walk. The company has been preparing for the statewide event for months, creating unique opportunities to boost host participation and encourage donations, including creating a payroll deduction for hosts to contribute to the Charity Walk. Outrigger’s global conservation action plan called OZONE, which means Outrigger’s Zone, will also be included in the festivities through a partnership with the Waikiki Aquarium.
“Tourism is the main economic driver here in Hawaii and it’s inspiring to see Hawaii’s visitor industry collectively working together to support the many charities and nonprofit organizations that help our island communities beyond creating jobs and bringing in revenue,” said Dean Nakasone, general manager at Outrigger Reef Waikiki Beach Resort and statewide chair of the 2016 Visitor Industry Charity Walk. “Outrigger is proud to up the ante every year to ensure that this event is a success and maximizes our industry’s contribution to the community.”
To make it easier for Outrigger hosts to take part in this year’s Charity Walk, for the first time in Charity Walk history, Outrigger created a payroll deduction system that allows hosts to make a one-time donation or deduct a small amount from each pay period to cover the cost of participation in the annual event.
Individuals who make a $40 donation to participate in the walk also receive a company-themed Charity Walk T-shirt. As part of his leadership as statewide chair of the event, Nakasone organized a Waikiki Charity Walk T-shirt day on Wednesday, May 18. All participating hosts and staff at Waikiki properties will wear their respective Charity Walk T-shirts to highlight the visitor industry’s united effort to support local nonprofits.
With OZONE as the company’s theme for the walk, Outrigger is teaming up with the Waikiki Aquarium. All Outrigger hosts and Waikiki Aquarium supporters will be decked out in OZONE T-shirts and will help Charity Walk participants learn more about the company’s plans to make a positive impact on reef conservation. Outrigger will also educate individuals on ways to get involved in protecting our natural resources. In addition to internal efforts to generate funds in support of the Charity Walk beneficiaries, Outrigger is encouraging guests to join in by making a monetary contribution during its “Round Up For Charity” promotion at Kani Ka Pila Grille.
This year marks the 38th annual Visitor Industry Charity Walk, which is traditionally held every May on the islands of Hawaii, Kauai, Lanai, Maui, Molokai and Oahu. Since its inception in 1978, more than $27 million has been raised to support hundreds of local charities throughout the state. All monies raised stay here in Hawaii. In 2015, 11,200 walkers raised over $1.8 million. For more information visit www.charitywalkhawaii.org.