Sean Dee, executive vice president, chief marketing officer, Outrigger Hotels and Resorts on tourism management and regulation of vacation rentals: I think from our perspective, again, as a resident and as a hotelier, is disruption is great. It always has been, always will be. It forces us to think about our business differently. And we operate at Outrigger 1,300 alternative accommodations, so we get it and we know that customers want that. Our [concern] is just the legality, and it’s to raise the point of the level playing field. And as a resident, I have Airbnbs on both sides of me, so with all due respect, as you guys get to travel home tonight, I have to go listen to Australians at 1 in the morning partying. So it is a personal impact for us … and we’re looking for some enforcement to help us survive for the long haul. Read more here in Travel Weekly.